pytorch_tabnet package

pytorch_tabnet.pretraining_utils module

pytorch_tabnet.pretraining_utils.create_dataloaders(X_train, eval_set, weights, batch_size, num_workers, drop_last, pin_memory)[source]

Create dataloaders with or without subsampling depending on weights and balanced.

  • X_train (np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Training data

  • eval_set (list of np.array (for Xs and ys) or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix (for Xs)) – List of eval sets

  • weights (either 0, 1, dict or iterable) –

    if 0 (default) : no weights will be applied if 1 : classification only, will balanced class with inverse frequency if dict : keys are corresponding class values are sample weights if iterable : list or np array must be of length equal to nb elements

    in the training set

  • batch_size (int) – how many samples per batch to load

  • num_workers (int) – how many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process

  • drop_last (bool) – set to True to drop the last incomplete batch, if the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size. If False and the size of dataset is not divisible by the batch size, then the last batch will be smaller

  • pin_memory (bool) – Whether to pin GPU memory during training


train_dataloader, valid_dataloader – Training and validation dataloaders

Return type

torch.DataLoader, torch.DataLoader

pytorch_tabnet.pretraining_utils.validate_eval_set(eval_set, eval_name, X_train)[source]

Check if the shapes of eval_set are compatible with X_train.

  • eval_set (List of numpy array) – The list evaluation set. The last one is used for early stopping

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train owned products


eval_names – Validated list of eval_names.

Return type

list of str

pytorch_tabnet.augmentations module

class pytorch_tabnet.augmentations.ClassificationSMOTE(device_name='auto', p=0.8, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, seed=0)[source]

Bases: object

Apply SMOTE for classification tasks.

This will average a percentage p of the elements in the batch with other elements. The target will stay unchanged and keep the value of the most important row in the mix.

class pytorch_tabnet.augmentations.RegressionSMOTE(device_name='auto', p=0.8, alpha=0.5, beta=0.5, seed=0)[source]

Bases: object


This will average a percentage p of the elements in the batch with other elements. The target will be averaged as well (this might work with binary classification and certain loss), following a beta distribution.

pytorch_tabnet.tab_network module

class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.AttentiveTransformer(input_dim, group_dim, group_matrix, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type='sparsemax')[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

forward(priors, processed_feat)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.EmbeddingGenerator(input_dim, cat_dims, cat_idxs, cat_emb_dims, group_matrix)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Classical embeddings generator


Apply embeddings to inputs Inputs should be (batch_size, input_dim) Outputs will be of size (batch_size, self.post_embed_dim)

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.FeatTransformer(input_dim, output_dim, shared_layers, n_glu_independent, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.GBN(input_dim, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.01)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Ghost Batch Normalization


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.GLU_Block(input_dim, output_dim, n_glu=2, first=False, shared_layers=None, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Independent GLU block, specific to each step


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.GLU_Layer(input_dim, output_dim, fc=None, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.RandomObfuscator(pretraining_ratio, group_matrix)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Create and applies obfuscation masks. The obfuscation is done at group level to match attention.


Generate random obfuscation mask.


Return type

masked input and obfuscated variables.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.TabNet(input_dim, output_dim, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, cat_idxs=[], cat_dims=[], cat_emb_dim=1, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type='sparsemax', group_attention_matrix=[])[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.TabNetDecoder(input_dim, n_d=8, n_steps=3, n_independent=1, n_shared=1, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.TabNetEncoder(input_dim, output_dim, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type='sparsemax', group_attention_matrix=None)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

forward(x, prior=None)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.TabNetNoEmbeddings(input_dim, output_dim, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type='sparsemax', group_attention_matrix=None)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.TabNetPretraining(input_dim, pretraining_ratio=0.2, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, cat_idxs=[], cat_dims=[], cat_emb_dim=1, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type='sparsemax', n_shared_decoder=1, n_indep_decoder=1, group_attention_matrix=None)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Returns: res, embedded_x, obf_vars

res : output of reconstruction embedded_x : embedded input obf_vars : which variable where obfuscated

training = None
pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.initialize_glu(module, input_dim, output_dim)[source]
pytorch_tabnet.tab_network.initialize_non_glu(module, input_dim, output_dim)[source]

pytorch_tabnet.metrics module

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.AUC[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric


class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Accuracy[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric


class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.BalancedAccuracy[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Balanced Accuracy.

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.LogLoss[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric


class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.MAE[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Mean Absolute Error.

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.MSE[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Mean Squared Error.

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric[source]

Bases: object

classmethod get_metrics_by_names(names)[source]

Get list of metric classes.

  • cls (Metric) – Metric class.

  • names (list) – List of metric names.


metrics – List of metric classes.

Return type


class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.MetricContainer(metric_names: List[str], prefix: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

Container holding a list of metrics.

  • metric_names (list of str) – List of metric names.

  • prefix (str) – Prefix of metric names.

metric_names: List[str] = None
prefix: str = ''
class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.RMSE[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Root Mean Squared Error.

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.RMSLE[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Root Mean squared logarithmic error regression loss. Scikit-implementation: Note: In order to avoid error, negative predictions are clipped to 0. This means that you should clip negative predictions manually after calling predict.

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.UnsupMetricContainer(metric_names: List[str], prefix: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

Container holding a list of metrics.

  • y_pred (torch.Tensor or np.array) – Reconstructed prediction (with embeddings)

  • embedded_x (torch.Tensor) – Original input embedded by network

  • obf_vars (torch.Tensor) – Binary mask for obfuscated variables. 1 means the variables was obfuscated so reconstruction is based on this.

metric_names: List[str] = None
prefix: str = ''
pytorch_tabnet.metrics.UnsupervisedLoss(y_pred, embedded_x, obf_vars, eps=1e-09)[source]

Implements unsupervised loss function. This differs from orginal paper as it’s scaled to be batch size independent and number of features reconstructed independent (by taking the mean)

  • y_pred (torch.Tensor or np.array) – Reconstructed prediction (with embeddings)

  • embedded_x (torch.Tensor) – Original input embedded by network

  • obf_vars (torch.Tensor) – Binary mask for obfuscated variables. 1 means the variable was obfuscated so reconstruction is based on this.

  • eps (float) – A small floating point to avoid ZeroDivisionError This can happen in degenerated case when a feature has only one value


loss – Unsupervised loss, average value over batch samples.

Return type

torch float

pytorch_tabnet.metrics.UnsupervisedLossNumpy(y_pred, embedded_x, obf_vars, eps=1e-09)[source]
class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.UnsupervisedMetric[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Unsupervised metric

class pytorch_tabnet.metrics.UnsupervisedNumpyMetric[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.metrics.Metric

Unsupervised metric


Check if custom metrics are provided.


metrics (list of str or classes) – List with built-in metrics (str) or custom metrics (classes).


val_metrics – List of metric names.

Return type

list of str

pytorch_tabnet.tab_model module

class pytorch_tabnet.tab_model.TabNetClassifier(n_d: int = 8, n_a: int = 8, n_steps: int = 3, gamma: float = 1.3, cat_idxs: List[int] = <factory>, cat_dims: List[int] = <factory>, cat_emb_dim: int = 1, n_independent: int = 2, n_shared: int = 2, epsilon: float = 1e-15, momentum: float = 0.02, lambda_sparse: float = 0.001, seed: int = 0, clip_value: int = 1, verbose: int = 1, optimizer_fn: Any = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, optimizer_params: Dict = <factory>, scheduler_fn: Any = None, scheduler_params: Dict = <factory>, mask_type: str = 'sparsemax', input_dim: int = None, output_dim: int = None, device_name: str = 'auto', n_shared_decoder: int = 1, n_indep_decoder: int = 1, grouped_features: List[List[int]] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.abstract_model.TabModel

cat_dims = None
cat_idxs = None
compute_loss(y_pred, y_true)[source]

Compute the loss.

  • y_score (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Score matrix

  • y_true (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix


Loss value

Return type


grouped_features = None
optimizer_params = None

Make predictions for classification on a batch (valid)


X (a :tensor: torch.Tensor or matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Input data



Return type



Prepare target before training.


y (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix.


Converted target matrix.

Return type


scheduler_params = None
stack_batches(list_y_true, list_y_score)[source]
update_fit_params(X_train, y_train, eval_set, weights)[source]

Set attributes relative to fit function.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y).

  • weights (bool or dictionnary) – 0 for no balancing 1 for automated balancing


Updates weights dictionary according to target_mapper.


weights (bool or dict) – Given weights for balancing training.


Same bool if weights are bool, updated dict otherwise.

Return type

bool or dict

class pytorch_tabnet.tab_model.TabNetRegressor(n_d: int = 8, n_a: int = 8, n_steps: int = 3, gamma: float = 1.3, cat_idxs: List[int] = <factory>, cat_dims: List[int] = <factory>, cat_emb_dim: int = 1, n_independent: int = 2, n_shared: int = 2, epsilon: float = 1e-15, momentum: float = 0.02, lambda_sparse: float = 0.001, seed: int = 0, clip_value: int = 1, verbose: int = 1, optimizer_fn: Any = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, optimizer_params: Dict = <factory>, scheduler_fn: Any = None, scheduler_params: Dict = <factory>, mask_type: str = 'sparsemax', input_dim: int = None, output_dim: int = None, device_name: str = 'auto', n_shared_decoder: int = 1, n_indep_decoder: int = 1, grouped_features: List[List[int]] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.abstract_model.TabModel

cat_dims = None
cat_idxs = None
compute_loss(y_pred, y_true)[source]

Compute the loss.

  • y_score (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Score matrix

  • y_true (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix


Loss value

Return type


grouped_features = None
optimizer_params = None

Prepare target before training.


y (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix.


Converted target matrix.

Return type


scheduler_params = None
stack_batches(list_y_true, list_y_score)[source]
update_fit_params(X_train, y_train, eval_set, weights)[source]

Set attributes relative to fit function.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y).

  • weights (bool or dictionnary) – 0 for no balancing 1 for automated balancing

pytorch_tabnet.sparsemax module

class pytorch_tabnet.sparsemax.Entmax15(dim=-1)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.sparsemax.Entmax15Function(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: torch.autograd.function.Function

An implementation of exact Entmax with alpha=1.5 (B. Peters, V. Niculae, A. Martins). See :cite:` for detailed description. Source:

static backward(ctx, grad_output)[source]

Defines a formula for differentiating the operation with backward mode automatic differentiation (alias to the vjp function).

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by as many outputs as the forward() returned (None will be passed in for non tensor outputs of the forward function), and it should return as many tensors, as there were inputs to forward(). Each argument is the gradient w.r.t the given output, and each returned value should be the gradient w.r.t. the corresponding input. If an input is not a Tensor or is a Tensor not requiring grads, you can just pass None as a gradient for that input.

The context can be used to retrieve tensors saved during the forward pass. It also has an attribute ctx.needs_input_grad as a tuple of booleans representing whether each input needs gradient. E.g., backward() will have ctx.needs_input_grad[0] = True if the first input to forward() needs gradient computated w.r.t. the output.

static forward(ctx, input, dim=-1)[source]

Performs the operation.

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by any number of arguments (tensors or other types).

The context can be used to store arbitrary data that can be then retrieved during the backward pass. Tensors should not be stored directly on ctx (though this is not currently enforced for backward compatibility). Instead, tensors should be saved either with ctx.save_for_backward() if they are intended to be used in backward (equivalently, vjp) or ctx.save_for_forward() if they are intended to be used for in jvp.

class pytorch_tabnet.sparsemax.Entmoid15(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: torch.autograd.function.Function

A highly optimized equivalent of lambda x: Entmax15([x, 0])

static backward(ctx, grad_output)[source]

Defines a formula for differentiating the operation with backward mode automatic differentiation (alias to the vjp function).

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by as many outputs as the forward() returned (None will be passed in for non tensor outputs of the forward function), and it should return as many tensors, as there were inputs to forward(). Each argument is the gradient w.r.t the given output, and each returned value should be the gradient w.r.t. the corresponding input. If an input is not a Tensor or is a Tensor not requiring grads, you can just pass None as a gradient for that input.

The context can be used to retrieve tensors saved during the forward pass. It also has an attribute ctx.needs_input_grad as a tuple of booleans representing whether each input needs gradient. E.g., backward() will have ctx.needs_input_grad[0] = True if the first input to forward() needs gradient computated w.r.t. the output.

static forward(ctx, input)[source]

Performs the operation.

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by any number of arguments (tensors or other types).

The context can be used to store arbitrary data that can be then retrieved during the backward pass. Tensors should not be stored directly on ctx (though this is not currently enforced for backward compatibility). Instead, tensors should be saved either with ctx.save_for_backward() if they are intended to be used in backward (equivalently, vjp) or ctx.save_for_forward() if they are intended to be used for in jvp.

class pytorch_tabnet.sparsemax.Sparsemax(dim=-1)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module


Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

training = None
class pytorch_tabnet.sparsemax.SparsemaxFunction(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: torch.autograd.function.Function

An implementation of sparsemax (Martins & Astudillo, 2016). See :cite:`DBLP:journals/corr/MartinsA16` for detailed description. By Ben Peters and Vlad Niculae

static backward(ctx, grad_output)[source]

Defines a formula for differentiating the operation with backward mode automatic differentiation (alias to the vjp function).

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by as many outputs as the forward() returned (None will be passed in for non tensor outputs of the forward function), and it should return as many tensors, as there were inputs to forward(). Each argument is the gradient w.r.t the given output, and each returned value should be the gradient w.r.t. the corresponding input. If an input is not a Tensor or is a Tensor not requiring grads, you can just pass None as a gradient for that input.

The context can be used to retrieve tensors saved during the forward pass. It also has an attribute ctx.needs_input_grad as a tuple of booleans representing whether each input needs gradient. E.g., backward() will have ctx.needs_input_grad[0] = True if the first input to forward() needs gradient computated w.r.t. the output.

static forward(ctx, input, dim=-1)[source]

sparsemax: normalizing sparse transform (a la softmax)

  • ctx (torch.autograd.function._ContextMethodMixin) –

  • input (torch.Tensor) – any shape

  • dim (int) – dimension along which to apply sparsemax


output – same shape as input

Return type



pytorch_tabnet.callbacks module

class pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.Callback[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class used to build new callbacks.

on_batch_begin(batch, logs=None)[source]
on_batch_end(batch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_begin(epoch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]
class pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.CallbackContainer(callbacks: List[pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.Callback] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Container holding a list of callbacks.

callbacks: List[Callback] = None
on_batch_begin(batch, logs=None)[source]
on_batch_end(batch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_begin(epoch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]
class pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.EarlyStopping(early_stopping_metric: str, is_maximize: bool, tol: float = 0.0, patience: int = 5)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.Callback

EarlyStopping callback to exit the training loop if early_stopping_metric does not improve by a certain amount for a certain number of epochs.

  • early_stopping_metric (str) – Early stopping metric name

  • is_maximize (bool) – Whether to maximize or not early_stopping_metric

  • tol (float) – minimum change in monitored value to qualify as improvement. This number should be positive.

  • patience (integer) – number of epochs to wait for improvement before terminating. the counter be reset after each improvement

early_stopping_metric: str = None
is_maximize: bool = None
on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]
patience: int = 5
tol: float = 0.0
class pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.History(trainer: Any, verbose: int = 1)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.Callback

Callback that records events into a History object. This callback is automatically applied to every SuperModule.

  • trainer (DeepRecoModel) – Model class to train

  • verbose (int) – Print results every verbose iteration

on_batch_end(batch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_begin(epoch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]
trainer: Any = None
verbose: int = 1
class pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.LRSchedulerCallback(scheduler_fn: Any, optimizer: Any, scheduler_params: dict, early_stopping_metric: str, is_batch_level: bool = False)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.callbacks.Callback

Wrapper for most torch scheduler functions.

  • scheduler_fn (torch.optim.lr_scheduler) – Torch scheduling class

  • scheduler_params (dict) – Dictionnary containing all parameters for the scheduler_fn

  • is_batch_level (bool (default = False)) – If set to False : lr updates will happen at every epoch If set to True : lr updates happen at every batch Set this to True for OneCycleLR for example

early_stopping_metric: str = None
is_batch_level: bool = False
on_batch_end(batch, logs=None)[source]
on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]
optimizer: Any = None
scheduler_fn: Any = None
scheduler_params: dict = None

pytorch_tabnet.abstract_model module

class pytorch_tabnet.abstract_model.TabModel(n_d: int = 8, n_a: int = 8, n_steps: int = 3, gamma: float = 1.3, cat_idxs: List[int] = <factory>, cat_dims: List[int] = <factory>, cat_emb_dim: int = 1, n_independent: int = 2, n_shared: int = 2, epsilon: float = 1e-15, momentum: float = 0.02, lambda_sparse: float = 0.001, seed: int = 0, clip_value: int = 1, verbose: int = 1, optimizer_fn: Any = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, optimizer_params: Dict = <factory>, scheduler_fn: Any = None, scheduler_params: Dict = <factory>, mask_type: str = 'sparsemax', input_dim: int = None, output_dim: int = None, device_name: str = 'auto', n_shared_decoder: int = 1, n_indep_decoder: int = 1, grouped_features: List[List[int]] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator

Class for TabNet model.

cat_dims: List[int] = None
cat_emb_dim: int = 1
cat_idxs: List[int] = None
clip_value: int = 1
abstract compute_loss(y_score, y_true)[source]

Compute the loss.

  • y_score (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Score matrix

  • y_true (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix


Loss value

Return type


device_name: str = 'auto'
epsilon: float = 1e-15
explain(X, normalize=False)[source]

Return local explanation

  • X (tensor: torch.Tensor or matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Input data

  • normalize (bool (default False)) – Wheter to normalize so that sum of features are equal to 1


  • M_explain (matrix) – Importance per sample, per columns.

  • masks (matrix) – Sparse matrix showing attention masks used by network.

fit(X_train, y_train, eval_set=None, eval_name=None, eval_metric=None, loss_fn=None, weights=0, max_epochs=100, patience=10, batch_size=1024, virtual_batch_size=128, num_workers=0, drop_last=True, callbacks=None, pin_memory=True, from_unsupervised=None, warm_start=False, augmentations=None, compute_importance=True)[source]

Train a neural network stored in Using train_dataloader for training data and valid_dataloader for validation.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y). The last one is used for early stopping

  • eval_name (list of str) – List of eval set names.

  • eval_metric (list of str) – List of evaluation metrics. The last metric is used for early stopping.

  • loss_fn (callable or None) – a PyTorch loss function

  • weights (bool or dictionnary) – 0 for no balancing 1 for automated balancing dict for custom weights per class

  • max_epochs (int) – Maximum number of epochs during training

  • patience (int) – Number of consecutive non improving epoch before early stopping

  • batch_size (int) – Training batch size

  • virtual_batch_size (int) – Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization (virtual_batch_size < batch_size)

  • num_workers (int) – Number of workers used in

  • drop_last (bool) – Whether to drop last batch during training

  • callbacks (list of callback function) – List of custom callbacks

  • pin_memory (bool) – Whether to set pin_memory to True or False during training

  • from_unsupervised (unsupervised trained model) – Use a previously self supervised model as starting weights

  • warm_start (bool) – If True, current model parameters are used to start training

  • compute_importance (bool) – Whether to compute feature importance

gamma: float = 1.3
grouped_features: List[List[int]] = None
input_dim: int = None
lambda_sparse: float = 0.001

Load TabNet model.


filepath (str) – Path of the model.

mask_type: str = 'sparsemax'
momentum: float = 0.02
n_a: int = 8
n_d: int = 8
n_indep_decoder: int = 1
n_independent: int = 2
n_shared: int = 2
n_shared_decoder: int = 1
n_steps: int = 3

alias of torch.optim.adam.Adam

optimizer_params: Dict = None
output_dim: int = None

Make predictions on a batch (valid)


X (a :tensor: torch.Tensor or matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Input data


predictions – Predictions of the regression problem

Return type


abstract prepare_target(y)[source]

Prepare target before training.


y (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix.


Converted target matrix.

Return type



Saving TabNet model in two distinct files.


path (str) – Path of the model.


input filepath with “.zip” appended

Return type


scheduler_fn: Any = None
scheduler_params: Dict = None
seed: int = 0
abstract update_fit_params(X_train, y_train, eval_set, weights)[source]

Set attributes relative to fit function.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y).

  • weights (bool or dictionnary) – 0 for no balancing 1 for automated balancing

verbose: int = 1

pytorch_tabnet.pretraining module

class pytorch_tabnet.pretraining.TabNetPretrainer(n_d: int = 8, n_a: int = 8, n_steps: int = 3, gamma: float = 1.3, cat_idxs: List[int] = <factory>, cat_dims: List[int] = <factory>, cat_emb_dim: int = 1, n_independent: int = 2, n_shared: int = 2, epsilon: float = 1e-15, momentum: float = 0.02, lambda_sparse: float = 0.001, seed: int = 0, clip_value: int = 1, verbose: int = 1, optimizer_fn: Any = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, optimizer_params: Dict = <factory>, scheduler_fn: Any = None, scheduler_params: Dict = <factory>, mask_type: str = 'sparsemax', input_dim: int = None, output_dim: int = None, device_name: str = 'auto', n_shared_decoder: int = 1, n_indep_decoder: int = 1, grouped_features: List[List[int]] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.abstract_model.TabModel

cat_dims = None
cat_idxs = None
compute_loss(output, embedded_x, obf_vars)[source]

Compute the loss.

  • y_score (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Score matrix

  • y_true (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix


Loss value

Return type


fit(X_train, eval_set=None, eval_name=None, loss_fn=None, pretraining_ratio=0.5, weights=0, max_epochs=100, patience=10, batch_size=1024, virtual_batch_size=128, num_workers=0, drop_last=True, callbacks=None, pin_memory=True, warm_start=False)[source]

Train a neural network stored in Using train_dataloader for training data and valid_dataloader for validation.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set to reconstruct in self supervision

  • eval_set (list of np.array) – List of evaluation set The last one is used for early stopping

  • eval_name (list of str) – List of eval set names.

  • eval_metric (list of str) – List of evaluation metrics. The last metric is used for early stopping.

  • loss_fn (callable or None) – a PyTorch loss function should be left to None for self supervised and non experts

  • pretraining_ratio (float) – Between 0 and 1, percentage of feature to mask for reconstruction

  • weights (np.array) – Sampling weights for each example.

  • max_epochs (int) – Maximum number of epochs during training

  • patience (int) – Number of consecutive non improving epoch before early stopping

  • batch_size (int) – Training batch size

  • virtual_batch_size (int) – Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization (virtual_batch_size < batch_size)

  • num_workers (int) – Number of workers used in

  • drop_last (bool) – Whether to drop last batch during training

  • callbacks (list of callback function) – List of custom callbacks

  • pin_memory (bool) – Whether to set pin_memory to True or False during training

grouped_features = None
optimizer_params = None

Make predictions on a batch (valid)


X (a :tensor: torch.Tensor or matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Input data


predictions – Predictions of the regression problem

Return type



Prepare target before training.


y (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix.


Converted target matrix.

Return type


scheduler_params = None
stack_batches(list_output, list_embedded_x, list_obfuscation)[source]

Set attributes relative to fit function.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y).

  • weights (bool or dictionnary) – 0 for no balancing 1 for automated balancing

pytorch_tabnet.utils module

class pytorch_tabnet.utils.ComplexEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder


Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for o, or calls the base implementation (to raise a TypeError).

For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this:

def default(self, o):
        iterable = iter(o)
    except TypeError:
        return list(iterable)
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
class pytorch_tabnet.utils.PredictDataset(x)[source]


Format for numpy array


X (2D array) – The input matrix

class pytorch_tabnet.utils.SparsePredictDataset(x)[source]


Format for csr_matrix


X (CSR matrix) – The input matrix

class pytorch_tabnet.utils.SparseTorchDataset(x, y)[source]


Format for csr_matrix

  • X (CSR matrix) – The input matrix

  • y (2D array) – The one-hot encoded target

class pytorch_tabnet.utils.TorchDataset(x, y)[source]


Format for numpy array

  • X (2D array) – The input matrix

  • y (2D array) – The one-hot encoded target

pytorch_tabnet.utils.check_embedding_parameters(cat_dims, cat_idxs, cat_emb_dim)[source]

Check parameters related to embeddings and rearrange them in a unique manner.


Raise a clear error if X is a pandas dataframe and check array according to scikit rules

pytorch_tabnet.utils.check_list_groups(list_groups, input_dim)[source]
Check that list groups:
  • is a list of list

  • does not contain twice the same feature in different groups

  • does not contain unknown features (>= input_dim)

  • does not contain empty groups

  • list_groups (-) – Each element is a list representing features in the same group. One feature should appear in maximum one group. Feature that don’t get assign a group will be in their own group of one feature.

  • input_dim (-) –

pytorch_tabnet.utils.check_warm_start(warm_start, from_unsupervised)[source]

Gives a warning about ambiguous usage of the two parameters.

pytorch_tabnet.utils.create_dataloaders(X_train, y_train, eval_set, weights, batch_size, num_workers, drop_last, pin_memory)[source]

Create dataloaders with or without subsampling depending on weights and balanced.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Training data

  • y_train (np.array) – Mapped Training targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y)

  • weights (either 0, 1, dict or iterable) –

    if 0 (default) : no weights will be applied if 1 : classification only, will balanced class with inverse frequency if dict : keys are corresponding class values are sample weights if iterable : list or np array must be of length equal to nb elements

    in the training set

  • batch_size (int) – how many samples per batch to load

  • num_workers (int) – how many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process

  • drop_last (bool) – set to True to drop the last incomplete batch, if the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size. If False and the size of dataset is not divisible by the batch size, then the last batch will be smaller

  • pin_memory (bool) – Whether to pin GPU memory during training


train_dataloader, valid_dataloader – Training and validation dataloaders

Return type

torch.DataLoader, torch.DataLoader

pytorch_tabnet.utils.create_explain_matrix(input_dim, cat_emb_dim, cat_idxs, post_embed_dim)[source]

This is a computational trick. In order to rapidly sum importances from same embeddings to the initial index.

  • input_dim (int) – Initial input dim

  • cat_emb_dim (int or list of int) – if int : size of embedding for all categorical feature if list of int : size of embedding for each categorical feature

  • cat_idxs (list of int) – Initial position of categorical features

  • post_embed_dim (int) – Post embedding inputs dimension


reducing_matrix – Matrix of dim (post_embed_dim, input_dim) to performe reduce

Return type


pytorch_tabnet.utils.create_group_matrix(list_groups, input_dim)[source]

Create the group matrix corresponding to the given list_groups

  • list_groups (-) – Each element is a list representing features in the same group. One feature should appear in maximum one group. Feature that don’t get assigned a group will be in their own group of one feature.

  • input_dim (-) –


- group_matrix – A matrix of size (n_groups, input_dim) where m_ij represents the importance of feature j in group i The rows must some to 1 as each group is equally important a priori.

Return type

torch matrix

pytorch_tabnet.utils.create_sampler(weights, y_train)[source]

This creates a sampler from the given weights

  • weights (either 0, 1, dict or iterable) –

    if 0 (default) : no weights will be applied if 1 : classification only, will balanced class with inverse frequency if dict : keys are corresponding class values are sample weights if iterable : list or np array must be of length equal to nb elements

    in the training set

  • y_train (np.array) – Training targets


Define the device to use during training and inference. If auto it will detect automatically whether to use cuda or cpu


device_name (str) – Either “auto”, “cpu” or “cuda”


Either “cpu” or “cuda”

Return type



This function makes sure that weights are in correct format for regression and multitask TabNet


weights (int, dict or list) – Initial weights parameters given by user



Return type

This function will only throw an error if format is wrong

pytorch_tabnet.utils.validate_eval_set(eval_set, eval_name, X_train, y_train)[source]

Check if the shapes of eval_set are compatible with (X_train, y_train).

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y). The last one is used for early stopping

  • eval_name (list of str) – List of eval set names.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train owned products

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targeted products


  • eval_names (list of str) – Validated list of eval_names.

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – Validated list of eval_set.

pytorch_tabnet.multitask module

class pytorch_tabnet.multitask.TabNetMultiTaskClassifier(n_d: int = 8, n_a: int = 8, n_steps: int = 3, gamma: float = 1.3, cat_idxs: List[int] = <factory>, cat_dims: List[int] = <factory>, cat_emb_dim: int = 1, n_independent: int = 2, n_shared: int = 2, epsilon: float = 1e-15, momentum: float = 0.02, lambda_sparse: float = 0.001, seed: int = 0, clip_value: int = 1, verbose: int = 1, optimizer_fn: Any = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, optimizer_params: Dict = <factory>, scheduler_fn: Any = None, scheduler_params: Dict = <factory>, mask_type: str = 'sparsemax', input_dim: int = None, output_dim: int = None, device_name: str = 'auto', n_shared_decoder: int = 1, n_indep_decoder: int = 1, grouped_features: List[List[int]] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: pytorch_tabnet.abstract_model.TabModel

cat_dims = None
cat_idxs = None
compute_loss(y_pred, y_true)[source]

Computes the loss according to network output and targets

  • y_pred (list of tensors) – Output of network

  • y_true (LongTensor) – Targets label encoded


loss – output of loss function(s)

Return type


grouped_features = None
optimizer_params = None

Make predictions on a batch (valid)


X (a :tensor: torch.Tensor or matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Input data


results – Predictions of the most probable class

Return type



Make predictions for classification on a batch (valid)


X (a :tensor: torch.Tensor or matrix: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – Input data



Return type

list of np.ndarray


Prepare target before training.


y (a :tensor: torch.Tensor) – Target matrix.


Converted target matrix.

Return type


scheduler_params = None
stack_batches(list_y_true, list_y_score)[source]
update_fit_params(X_train, y_train, eval_set, weights)[source]

Set attributes relative to fit function.

  • X_train (np.ndarray) – Train set

  • y_train (np.array) – Train targets

  • eval_set (list of tuple) – List of eval tuple set (X, y).

  • weights (bool or dictionnary) – 0 for no balancing 1 for automated balancing

pytorch_tabnet.multiclass_utils module

Multi-class / multi-label utility function

pytorch_tabnet.multiclass_utils.assert_all_finite(X, allow_nan=False)[source]

Throw a ValueError if X contains NaN or infinity.

  • X (array or sparse matrix) –

  • allow_nan (bool) –


Ensure that target y is of a non-regression type.

Only the following target types (as defined in type_of_target) are allowed:

‘binary’, ‘multiclass’, ‘multiclass-multioutput’, ‘multilabel-indicator’, ‘multilabel-sequences’


y (array-like) –

pytorch_tabnet.multiclass_utils.check_output_dim(labels, y)[source]

Infer output_dim from targets This is for multiple tasks.


y_train (np.ndarray) – Training targets


  • tasks_dims (list) – Number of classes for output

  • tasks_labels (list) – List of sorted list of initial classes


Infer output_dim from targets


y_train (np.array) – Training targets


  • output_dim (int) – Number of classes for output

  • train_labels (list) – Sorted list of initial classes


Check if y is in a multilabel format.


y (numpy array of shape [n_samples]) – Target values.


out – Return True, if y is in a multilabel format, else `False.

Return type



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.utils.multiclass import is_multilabel
>>> is_multilabel([0, 1, 0, 1])
>>> is_multilabel([[1], [0, 2], []])
>>> is_multilabel(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]]))
>>> is_multilabel(np.array([[1], [0], [0]]))
>>> is_multilabel(np.array([[1, 0, 0]]))

Determine the type of data indicated by the target.

Note that this type is the most specific type that can be inferred. For example:

  • binary is more specific but compatible with multiclass.

  • multiclass of integers is more specific but compatible with continuous.

  • multilabel-indicator is more specific but compatible with multiclass-multioutput.


y (array-like) –


target_type – One of:

  • ’continuous’: y is an array-like of floats that are not all integers, and is 1d or a column vector.

  • ’continuous-multioutput’: y is a 2d array of floats that are not all integers, and both dimensions are of size > 1.

  • ’binary’: y contains <= 2 discrete values and is 1d or a column vector.

  • ’multiclass’: y contains more than two discrete values, is not a sequence of sequences, and is 1d or a column vector.

  • ’multiclass-multioutput’: y is a 2d array that contains more than two discrete values, is not a sequence of sequences, and both dimensions are of size > 1.

  • ’multilabel-indicator’: y is a label indicator matrix, an array of two dimensions with at least two columns, and at most 2 unique values.

  • ’unknown’: y is array-like but none of the above, such as a 3d array, sequence of sequences, or an array of non-sequence objects.

Return type



>>> import numpy as np
>>> type_of_target([0.1, 0.6])
>>> type_of_target([1, -1, -1, 1])
>>> type_of_target(['a', 'b', 'a'])
>>> type_of_target([1.0, 2.0])
>>> type_of_target([1, 0, 2])
>>> type_of_target([1.0, 0.0, 3.0])
>>> type_of_target(['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> type_of_target(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 1]]))
>>> type_of_target([[1, 2]])
>>> type_of_target(np.array([[1.5, 2.0], [3.0, 1.6]]))
>>> type_of_target(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]]))

Extract an ordered array of unique labels

We don’t allow:
  • mix of multilabel and multiclass (single label) targets

  • mix of label indicator matrix and anything else, because there are no explicit labels)

  • mix of label indicator matrices of different sizes

  • mix of string and integer labels

At the moment, we also don’t allow “multiclass-multioutput” input type.


*ys (array-likes) –


out – An ordered array of unique labels.

Return type

numpy array of shape [n_unique_labels]


>>> from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels
>>> unique_labels([3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7])
array([3, 5, 7])
>>> unique_labels([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 2, 3, 4])
array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> unique_labels([1, 2, 10], [5, 11])
array([ 1,  2,  5, 10, 11])