Source code for pytorch_tabnet.tab_network

import torch
from torch.nn import Linear, BatchNorm1d, ReLU
import numpy as np
from pytorch_tabnet import sparsemax

[docs]def initialize_non_glu(module, input_dim, output_dim): gain_value = np.sqrt((input_dim + output_dim) / np.sqrt(4 * input_dim)) torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(module.weight, gain=gain_value) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(module.bias) return
[docs]def initialize_glu(module, input_dim, output_dim): gain_value = np.sqrt((input_dim + output_dim) / np.sqrt(input_dim)) torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(module.weight, gain=gain_value) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(module.bias) return
[docs]class GBN(torch.nn.Module): """ Ghost Batch Normalization """ def __init__(self, input_dim, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.01): super(GBN, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.virtual_batch_size = virtual_batch_size = BatchNorm1d(self.input_dim, momentum=momentum)
[docs] def forward(self, x): chunks = x.chunk(int(np.ceil(x.shape[0] / self.virtual_batch_size)), 0) res = [ for x_ in chunks] return, dim=0)
[docs]class TabNetEncoder(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type="sparsemax", group_attention_matrix=None, ): """ Defines main part of the TabNet network without the embedding layers. Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Number of features output_dim : int or list of int for multi task classification Dimension of network output examples : one for regression, 2 for binary classification etc... n_d : int Dimension of the prediction layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_a : int Dimension of the attention layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_steps : int Number of successive steps in the network (usually between 3 and 10) gamma : float Float above 1, scaling factor for attention updates (usually between 1.0 to 2.0) n_independent : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 2) n_shared : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 2) epsilon : float Avoid log(0), this should be kept very low virtual_batch_size : int Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization momentum : float Float value between 0 and 1 which will be used for momentum in all batch norm mask_type : str Either "sparsemax" or "entmax" : this is the masking function to use group_attention_matrix : torch matrix Matrix of size (n_groups, input_dim), m_ij = importance within group i of feature j """ super(TabNetEncoder, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.is_multi_task = isinstance(output_dim, list) self.n_d = n_d self.n_a = n_a self.n_steps = n_steps self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.n_independent = n_independent self.n_shared = n_shared self.virtual_batch_size = virtual_batch_size self.mask_type = mask_type self.initial_bn = BatchNorm1d(self.input_dim, momentum=0.01) self.group_attention_matrix = group_attention_matrix if self.group_attention_matrix is None: # no groups self.group_attention_matrix = torch.eye(self.input_dim) self.attention_dim = self.input_dim else: self.attention_dim = self.group_attention_matrix.shape[0] if self.n_shared > 0: shared_feat_transform = torch.nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.n_shared): if i == 0: shared_feat_transform.append( Linear(self.input_dim, 2 * (n_d + n_a), bias=False) ) else: shared_feat_transform.append( Linear(n_d + n_a, 2 * (n_d + n_a), bias=False) ) else: shared_feat_transform = None self.initial_splitter = FeatTransformer( self.input_dim, n_d + n_a, shared_feat_transform, n_glu_independent=self.n_independent, virtual_batch_size=self.virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, ) self.feat_transformers = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.att_transformers = torch.nn.ModuleList() for step in range(n_steps): transformer = FeatTransformer( self.input_dim, n_d + n_a, shared_feat_transform, n_glu_independent=self.n_independent, virtual_batch_size=self.virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, ) attention = AttentiveTransformer( n_a, self.attention_dim, group_matrix=group_attention_matrix, virtual_batch_size=self.virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, mask_type=self.mask_type, ) self.feat_transformers.append(transformer) self.att_transformers.append(attention)
[docs] def forward(self, x, prior=None): x = self.initial_bn(x) bs = x.shape[0] # batch size if prior is None: prior = torch.ones((bs, self.attention_dim)).to(x.device) M_loss = 0 att = self.initial_splitter(x)[:, self.n_d :] steps_output = [] for step in range(self.n_steps): M = self.att_transformers[step](prior, att) M_loss += torch.mean( torch.sum(torch.mul(M, torch.log(M + self.epsilon)), dim=1) ) # update prior prior = torch.mul(self.gamma - M, prior) # output M_feature_level = torch.matmul(M, self.group_attention_matrix) masked_x = torch.mul(M_feature_level, x) out = self.feat_transformers[step](masked_x) d = ReLU()(out[:, : self.n_d]) steps_output.append(d) # update attention att = out[:, self.n_d :] M_loss /= self.n_steps return steps_output, M_loss
[docs] def forward_masks(self, x): x = self.initial_bn(x) bs = x.shape[0] # batch size prior = torch.ones((bs, self.attention_dim)).to(x.device) M_explain = torch.zeros(x.shape).to(x.device) att = self.initial_splitter(x)[:, self.n_d :] masks = {} for step in range(self.n_steps): M = self.att_transformers[step](prior, att) M_feature_level = torch.matmul(M, self.group_attention_matrix) masks[step] = M_feature_level # update prior prior = torch.mul(self.gamma - M, prior) # output masked_x = torch.mul(M_feature_level, x) out = self.feat_transformers[step](masked_x) d = ReLU()(out[:, : self.n_d]) # explain step_importance = torch.sum(d, dim=1) M_explain += torch.mul(M_feature_level, step_importance.unsqueeze(dim=1)) # update attention att = out[:, self.n_d :] return M_explain, masks
[docs]class TabNetDecoder(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, n_d=8, n_steps=3, n_independent=1, n_shared=1, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, ): """ Defines main part of the TabNet network without the embedding layers. Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Number of features output_dim : int or list of int for multi task classification Dimension of network output examples : one for regression, 2 for binary classification etc... n_d : int Dimension of the prediction layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_steps : int Number of successive steps in the network (usually between 3 and 10) gamma : float Float above 1, scaling factor for attention updates (usually between 1.0 to 2.0) n_independent : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 1) n_shared : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 1) virtual_batch_size : int Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization momentum : float Float value between 0 and 1 which will be used for momentum in all batch norm """ super(TabNetDecoder, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.n_d = n_d self.n_steps = n_steps self.n_independent = n_independent self.n_shared = n_shared self.virtual_batch_size = virtual_batch_size self.feat_transformers = torch.nn.ModuleList() if self.n_shared > 0: shared_feat_transform = torch.nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.n_shared): shared_feat_transform.append(Linear(n_d, 2 * n_d, bias=False)) else: shared_feat_transform = None for step in range(n_steps): transformer = FeatTransformer( n_d, n_d, shared_feat_transform, n_glu_independent=self.n_independent, virtual_batch_size=self.virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, ) self.feat_transformers.append(transformer) self.reconstruction_layer = Linear(n_d, self.input_dim, bias=False) initialize_non_glu(self.reconstruction_layer, n_d, self.input_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, steps_output): res = 0 for step_nb, step_output in enumerate(steps_output): x = self.feat_transformers[step_nb](step_output) res = torch.add(res, x) res = self.reconstruction_layer(res) return res
[docs]class TabNetPretraining(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, pretraining_ratio=0.2, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, cat_idxs=[], cat_dims=[], cat_emb_dim=1, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type="sparsemax", n_shared_decoder=1, n_indep_decoder=1, group_attention_matrix=None, ): super(TabNetPretraining, self).__init__() self.cat_idxs = cat_idxs or [] self.cat_dims = cat_dims or [] self.cat_emb_dim = cat_emb_dim self.input_dim = input_dim self.n_d = n_d self.n_a = n_a self.n_steps = n_steps self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.n_independent = n_independent self.n_shared = n_shared self.mask_type = mask_type self.pretraining_ratio = pretraining_ratio self.n_shared_decoder = n_shared_decoder self.n_indep_decoder = n_indep_decoder if self.n_steps <= 0: raise ValueError("n_steps should be a positive integer.") if self.n_independent == 0 and self.n_shared == 0: raise ValueError("n_shared and n_independent can't be both zero.") self.virtual_batch_size = virtual_batch_size self.embedder = EmbeddingGenerator(input_dim, cat_dims, cat_idxs, cat_emb_dim, group_attention_matrix) self.post_embed_dim = self.embedder.post_embed_dim self.masker = RandomObfuscator(self.pretraining_ratio, group_matrix=self.embedder.embedding_group_matrix) self.encoder = TabNetEncoder( input_dim=self.post_embed_dim, output_dim=self.post_embed_dim, n_d=n_d, n_a=n_a, n_steps=n_steps, gamma=gamma, n_independent=n_independent, n_shared=n_shared, epsilon=epsilon, virtual_batch_size=virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, mask_type=mask_type, group_attention_matrix=self.embedder.embedding_group_matrix, ) self.decoder = TabNetDecoder( self.post_embed_dim, n_d=n_d, n_steps=n_steps, n_independent=self.n_indep_decoder, n_shared=self.n_shared_decoder, virtual_batch_size=virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Returns: res, embedded_x, obf_vars res : output of reconstruction embedded_x : embedded input obf_vars : which variable where obfuscated """ embedded_x = self.embedder(x) if masked_x, obfuscated_groups, obfuscated_vars = self.masker(embedded_x) # set prior of encoder with obfuscated groups prior = 1 - obfuscated_groups steps_out, _ = self.encoder(masked_x, prior=prior) res = self.decoder(steps_out) return res, embedded_x, obfuscated_vars else: steps_out, _ = self.encoder(embedded_x) res = self.decoder(steps_out) return res, embedded_x, torch.ones(embedded_x.shape).to(x.device)
[docs] def forward_masks(self, x): embedded_x = self.embedder(x) return self.encoder.forward_masks(embedded_x)
[docs]class TabNetNoEmbeddings(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type="sparsemax", group_attention_matrix=None, ): """ Defines main part of the TabNet network without the embedding layers. Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Number of features output_dim : int or list of int for multi task classification Dimension of network output examples : one for regression, 2 for binary classification etc... n_d : int Dimension of the prediction layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_a : int Dimension of the attention layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_steps : int Number of successive steps in the network (usually between 3 and 10) gamma : float Float above 1, scaling factor for attention updates (usually between 1.0 to 2.0) n_independent : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 2) n_shared : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 2) epsilon : float Avoid log(0), this should be kept very low virtual_batch_size : int Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization momentum : float Float value between 0 and 1 which will be used for momentum in all batch norm mask_type : str Either "sparsemax" or "entmax" : this is the masking function to use group_attention_matrix : torch matrix Matrix of size (n_groups, input_dim), m_ij = importance within group i of feature j """ super(TabNetNoEmbeddings, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.is_multi_task = isinstance(output_dim, list) self.n_d = n_d self.n_a = n_a self.n_steps = n_steps self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.n_independent = n_independent self.n_shared = n_shared self.virtual_batch_size = virtual_batch_size self.mask_type = mask_type self.initial_bn = BatchNorm1d(self.input_dim, momentum=0.01) self.encoder = TabNetEncoder( input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim, n_d=n_d, n_a=n_a, n_steps=n_steps, gamma=gamma, n_independent=n_independent, n_shared=n_shared, epsilon=epsilon, virtual_batch_size=virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, mask_type=mask_type, group_attention_matrix=group_attention_matrix ) if self.is_multi_task: self.multi_task_mappings = torch.nn.ModuleList() for task_dim in output_dim: task_mapping = Linear(n_d, task_dim, bias=False) initialize_non_glu(task_mapping, n_d, task_dim) self.multi_task_mappings.append(task_mapping) else: self.final_mapping = Linear(n_d, output_dim, bias=False) initialize_non_glu(self.final_mapping, n_d, output_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, x): res = 0 steps_output, M_loss = self.encoder(x) res = torch.sum(torch.stack(steps_output, dim=0), dim=0) if self.is_multi_task: # Result will be in list format out = [] for task_mapping in self.multi_task_mappings: out.append(task_mapping(res)) else: out = self.final_mapping(res) return out, M_loss
[docs] def forward_masks(self, x): return self.encoder.forward_masks(x)
[docs]class TabNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, n_d=8, n_a=8, n_steps=3, gamma=1.3, cat_idxs=[], cat_dims=[], cat_emb_dim=1, n_independent=2, n_shared=2, epsilon=1e-15, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type="sparsemax", group_attention_matrix=[], ): """ Defines TabNet network Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Initial number of features output_dim : int Dimension of network output examples : one for regression, 2 for binary classification etc... n_d : int Dimension of the prediction layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_a : int Dimension of the attention layer (usually between 4 and 64) n_steps : int Number of successive steps in the network (usually between 3 and 10) gamma : float Float above 1, scaling factor for attention updates (usually between 1.0 to 2.0) cat_idxs : list of int Index of each categorical column in the dataset cat_dims : list of int Number of categories in each categorical column cat_emb_dim : int or list of int Size of the embedding of categorical features if int, all categorical features will have same embedding size if list of int, every corresponding feature will have specific size n_independent : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 2) n_shared : int Number of independent GLU layer in each GLU block (default 2) epsilon : float Avoid log(0), this should be kept very low virtual_batch_size : int Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization momentum : float Float value between 0 and 1 which will be used for momentum in all batch norm mask_type : str Either "sparsemax" or "entmax" : this is the masking function to use group_attention_matrix : torch matrix Matrix of size (n_groups, input_dim), m_ij = importance within group i of feature j """ super(TabNet, self).__init__() self.cat_idxs = cat_idxs or [] self.cat_dims = cat_dims or [] self.cat_emb_dim = cat_emb_dim self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.n_d = n_d self.n_a = n_a self.n_steps = n_steps self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.n_independent = n_independent self.n_shared = n_shared self.mask_type = mask_type if self.n_steps <= 0: raise ValueError("n_steps should be a positive integer.") if self.n_independent == 0 and self.n_shared == 0: raise ValueError("n_shared and n_independent can't be both zero.") self.virtual_batch_size = virtual_batch_size self.embedder = EmbeddingGenerator(input_dim, cat_dims, cat_idxs, cat_emb_dim, group_attention_matrix) self.post_embed_dim = self.embedder.post_embed_dim self.tabnet = TabNetNoEmbeddings( self.post_embed_dim, output_dim, n_d, n_a, n_steps, gamma, n_independent, n_shared, epsilon, virtual_batch_size, momentum, mask_type, self.embedder.embedding_group_matrix )
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.embedder(x) return self.tabnet(x)
[docs] def forward_masks(self, x): x = self.embedder(x) return self.tabnet.forward_masks(x)
[docs]class AttentiveTransformer(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, group_dim, group_matrix, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, mask_type="sparsemax", ): """ Initialize an attention transformer. Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Input size group_dim : int Number of groups for features virtual_batch_size : int Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization momentum : float Float value between 0 and 1 which will be used for momentum in batch norm mask_type : str Either "sparsemax" or "entmax" : this is the masking function to use """ super(AttentiveTransformer, self).__init__() self.fc = Linear(input_dim, group_dim, bias=False) initialize_non_glu(self.fc, input_dim, group_dim) = GBN( group_dim, virtual_batch_size=virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum ) if mask_type == "sparsemax": # Sparsemax self.selector = sparsemax.Sparsemax(dim=-1) elif mask_type == "entmax": # Entmax self.selector = sparsemax.Entmax15(dim=-1) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Please choose either sparsemax" + "or entmax as masktype" )
[docs] def forward(self, priors, processed_feat): x = self.fc(processed_feat) x = x = torch.mul(x, priors) x = self.selector(x) return x
[docs]class FeatTransformer(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, shared_layers, n_glu_independent, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, ): super(FeatTransformer, self).__init__() """ Initialize a feature transformer. Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Input size output_dim : int Output_size shared_layers : torch.nn.ModuleList The shared block that should be common to every step n_glu_independent : int Number of independent GLU layers virtual_batch_size : int Batch size for Ghost Batch Normalization within GLU block(s) momentum : float Float value between 0 and 1 which will be used for momentum in batch norm """ params = { "n_glu": n_glu_independent, "virtual_batch_size": virtual_batch_size, "momentum": momentum, } if shared_layers is None: # no shared layers self.shared = torch.nn.Identity() is_first = True else: self.shared = GLU_Block( input_dim, output_dim, first=True, shared_layers=shared_layers, n_glu=len(shared_layers), virtual_batch_size=virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum, ) is_first = False if n_glu_independent == 0: # no independent layers self.specifics = torch.nn.Identity() else: spec_input_dim = input_dim if is_first else output_dim self.specifics = GLU_Block( spec_input_dim, output_dim, first=is_first, **params )
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.shared(x) x = self.specifics(x) return x
[docs]class GLU_Block(torch.nn.Module): """ Independent GLU block, specific to each step """ def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, n_glu=2, first=False, shared_layers=None, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02, ): super(GLU_Block, self).__init__() self.first = first self.shared_layers = shared_layers self.n_glu = n_glu self.glu_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList() params = {"virtual_batch_size": virtual_batch_size, "momentum": momentum} fc = shared_layers[0] if shared_layers else None self.glu_layers.append(GLU_Layer(input_dim, output_dim, fc=fc, **params)) for glu_id in range(1, self.n_glu): fc = shared_layers[glu_id] if shared_layers else None self.glu_layers.append(GLU_Layer(output_dim, output_dim, fc=fc, **params))
[docs] def forward(self, x): scale = torch.sqrt(torch.FloatTensor([0.5]).to(x.device)) if self.first: # the first layer of the block has no scale multiplication x = self.glu_layers[0](x) layers_left = range(1, self.n_glu) else: layers_left = range(self.n_glu) for glu_id in layers_left: x = torch.add(x, self.glu_layers[glu_id](x)) x = x * scale return x
[docs]class GLU_Layer(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_dim, output_dim, fc=None, virtual_batch_size=128, momentum=0.02 ): super(GLU_Layer, self).__init__() self.output_dim = output_dim if fc: self.fc = fc else: self.fc = Linear(input_dim, 2 * output_dim, bias=False) initialize_glu(self.fc, input_dim, 2 * output_dim) = GBN( 2 * output_dim, virtual_batch_size=virtual_batch_size, momentum=momentum )
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.fc(x) x = out = torch.mul(x[:, : self.output_dim], torch.sigmoid(x[:, self.output_dim :])) return out
[docs]class EmbeddingGenerator(torch.nn.Module): """ Classical embeddings generator """ def __init__(self, input_dim, cat_dims, cat_idxs, cat_emb_dims, group_matrix): """This is an embedding module for an entire set of features Parameters ---------- input_dim : int Number of features coming as input (number of columns) cat_dims : list of int Number of modalities for each categorial features If the list is empty, no embeddings will be done cat_idxs : list of int Positional index for each categorical features in inputs cat_emb_dim : list of int Embedding dimension for each categorical features If int, the same embedding dimension will be used for all categorical features group_matrix : torch matrix Original group matrix before embeddings """ super(EmbeddingGenerator, self).__init__() if cat_dims == [] and cat_idxs == []: self.skip_embedding = True self.post_embed_dim = input_dim self.embedding_group_matrix = return else: self.skip_embedding = False self.post_embed_dim = int(input_dim + np.sum(cat_emb_dims) - len(cat_emb_dims)) self.embeddings = torch.nn.ModuleList() for cat_dim, emb_dim in zip(cat_dims, cat_emb_dims): self.embeddings.append(torch.nn.Embedding(cat_dim, emb_dim)) # record continuous indices self.continuous_idx = torch.ones(input_dim, dtype=torch.bool) self.continuous_idx[cat_idxs] = 0 # update group matrix n_groups = group_matrix.shape[0] self.embedding_group_matrix = torch.empty((n_groups, self.post_embed_dim), device=group_matrix.device) for group_idx in range(n_groups): post_emb_idx = 0 cat_feat_counter = 0 for init_feat_idx in range(input_dim): if self.continuous_idx[init_feat_idx] == 1: # this means that no embedding is applied to this column self.embedding_group_matrix[group_idx, post_emb_idx] = group_matrix[group_idx, init_feat_idx] # noqa post_emb_idx += 1 else: # this is a categorical feature which creates multiple embeddings n_embeddings = cat_emb_dims[cat_feat_counter] self.embedding_group_matrix[group_idx, post_emb_idx:post_emb_idx+n_embeddings] = group_matrix[group_idx, init_feat_idx] / n_embeddings # noqa post_emb_idx += n_embeddings cat_feat_counter += 1
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Apply embeddings to inputs Inputs should be (batch_size, input_dim) Outputs will be of size (batch_size, self.post_embed_dim) """ if self.skip_embedding: # no embeddings required return x cols = [] cat_feat_counter = 0 for feat_init_idx, is_continuous in enumerate(self.continuous_idx): # Enumerate through continuous idx boolean mask to apply embeddings if is_continuous: cols.append(x[:, feat_init_idx].float().view(-1, 1)) else: cols.append( self.embeddings[cat_feat_counter](x[:, feat_init_idx].long()) ) cat_feat_counter += 1 # concat post_embeddings =, dim=1) return post_embeddings
[docs]class RandomObfuscator(torch.nn.Module): """ Create and applies obfuscation masks. The obfuscation is done at group level to match attention. """ def __init__(self, pretraining_ratio, group_matrix): """ This create random obfuscation for self suppervised pretraining Parameters ---------- pretraining_ratio : float Ratio of feature to randomly discard for reconstruction """ super(RandomObfuscator, self).__init__() self.pretraining_ratio = pretraining_ratio # group matrix is set to boolean here to pass all posssible information self.group_matrix = (group_matrix > 0) + 0. self.num_groups = group_matrix.shape[0]
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Generate random obfuscation mask. Returns ------- masked input and obfuscated variables. """ bs = x.shape[0] obfuscated_groups = torch.bernoulli( self.pretraining_ratio * torch.ones((bs, self.num_groups), device=x.device) ) obfuscated_vars = torch.matmul(obfuscated_groups, self.group_matrix) masked_input = torch.mul(1 - obfuscated_vars, x) return masked_input, obfuscated_groups, obfuscated_vars